*Please contact 279-2526 for all judge performance evaluation and retention material requests
Administrative Rule 23 of the Alaska Rules of Court authorizes the chief justice, or another justice designated by the chief justice, to appoint a retired judge to sit temporarily (pro tem) in any court in Alaska where such an assignment is deemed necessary for the efficient administration of justice. Pro tem appointments may be made for one or more cases, or for a specified period of time up to two years. Appointments may be renewed.
Every two years, the chief justice must review the performance of all retired judges and justices who have served pro tem. The review is based upon an evaluation of the justices’ and judges’ performance conducted by the Alaska Judicial Council. The Council’s review includes a survey of members of the bar in those judicial districts where the pro tem justices and judges have served in the past two years. The chief justice’s review also includes formal performance evaluations conducted by the presiding judges under whom the pro tem justices and judges have served. At the conclusion of the review, the chief justice determines the eligibility of the retired justices and judges to continue to serve pro tem.
Alaska Judicial Council, 510 L Street, Suite 450, Anchorage, AK 99501
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