AJC Home > Retention Election Information > Bride Seifert

Bride Seifert

Homer Superior Court | Third Judicial District

Photo of Judge Bride Seifert

Judge Seifert was appointed to the Homer Superior Court in December of 2019. This is her first retention election.

Performance Summary

After conducting its performance review, the Judicial Council determined that Judge Seifert met or exceeded performance standards on all criteria, including professional competence and legal ability, integrity, impartiality and fairness, temperament, diligence, and administrative skills.

The Council also determined that Judge Seifert met or exceeded educational requirements set by the Alaska Supreme Court, complied with judicial ethics requirements, and made significant contributions to the community and to the administration of justice.

Because Judge Seifert met or exceeded all performance and educational standards, the Alaska Judicial Council recommends a “yes” vote on retention in office.

Performance Findings

Summary Survey Ratings for Judge SeifertThe Council conducts a thorough performance review of each judge standing for retention. Key findings for Judge Seifert include:

Ratings by justice system professionals: Attorneys who appeared before Judge Seifert gave her excellent reviews (4.3 overall), as did court employees (4.4 overall). The chart provided summarizes Judge Seifert's survey ratings.

Juror Survey:Summary Juror Survey Ratings for Judge Seifert Jurors who served in Judge Seifert’s courtroom were surveyed about her performance, and they gave her excellent ratings. The chart provided summarizes Judge Seifert's juror survey ratings.

  • Detailed survey ratings can be viewed here.

Professional activities: Judge Seifert made significant contributions to the administration of justice and the community during her term in office.

  • She was the district director for the National Association of Women Judges.
  • Judge Seifert served on the judicial advisory committee for the court system’s eFiling (electronic case filing) project.
  • She served as an alternate judge for the Henu Community Wellness Court, a collaboration between the Alaska Court System and the Kenaitze Indian Tribe in which adults facing legal trouble stemming from substance abuse participate in a therapeutic court process designed to reduce recidivism, improve the lives of participants, and build a safer and healthier community.
  • More information about Judge Seifert’s professional, educational, and outreach activities can be found here.

Other performance indicators: A review of Judge Seifert’s financial and conflict of interest statements showed she complied with all disclosure requirements.

Timeliness: Alaska law requires judges’ pay be withheld when a decision has been pending longer than six months. The Council verified that Judge Seifert was paid on schedule, and she certified that she had no untimely decisions.

Ethics: There were no public disciplinary proceedings against Judge Seifert, and the Council’s review found no ethical concerns.


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